Bursting on the Scene: Ernest Barzaga

10960381_10204522338752631_280812699771760327_oErnest Barzaga might seen a bit young to take on Arthur Miller’s seminal piece but passions knows no age.

We hear a lot about inspiration – or Muse – that drives an artist. What inspires you?

I think I was always meant to direct. Ever since I entered this crazed wonderful world of theatre the art of actually putting together a show from scratch really emboldened my curiosity. I would watch shows then go home and recast them with people I knew. I came up with new ways of capturing a scene using real life experience and that’s what inspires my direction. Being able to express the world in my own way. through my own eyes Also, being able to give great artists that same satisfaction makes it all the more enjoyable.

salesman_tixTell us about your play … and why you chose it?

2. Arthur Miller’s “Death of a Salesman” is, in essence, a story about a father and the strained relationship he has with his son. It tells a story that’ s easy to relate to, about someone who has failed and struggles to come to terms with that failure; something even the most successful people have had to cope with at some point in their lives. The ideology and behavior of Willy Loman, the shows protagonist, has a scaring affect on the people who love and care for him.

What do you want most in your chosen profession? It’s OK to say “fame” or “wealth.”

My high school theatre teacher change the trajectory of my life. She help me find my passion and for that I am eternally grateful to her. What I want more than anything is to provide that very same service and help someone find their meaning in life with theatre.

Sally Field and Paul Newman both said of their profession… “it’s all I can do.” Is this all you can do?

As the adage goes ” If you work doing something you love, you’ll never work a day in your life.” I don’t intent to ever work.

Along those lines, if you couldn’t so this, what would you do?

Last words? 

My mission with doing this show now is not only to provide young artists a platform to play roles they would not conventionally play.



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